Central Bible Church has a rich history of sending gospel-centered workers around the world. To learn more about our partners contact Central Missions.
We live in a global community in which believers have access to nations and peoples that were formerly unengaged with the Gospel. Global travel no longer requires weeks or months on the seas. In fact, there are now direct flights from DFW to Dubai. In the midst of these unprecedented opportunities, we joyfully respond to the call to "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation" (Mark 16:15).
Short-term mission teams are groups of people who travel to another location (domestically or internationally) for a week or two with the purpose of making God known to a particular community. Often, these teams are linked to CBC Global Partners serving around the world. These trips are not haphazard, nor are they glorified vacations. Rather, CBC short-term mission teams carry out intentional activities (such as evangelism, orphan care, construction, missionary support, medical care, etc.) that bring hope to dark places.
Long-term goers may be sent out by Central Bible Church to make God known for extended periods of time. CBC has a history of sending long-term workers, with 8 Global Partners currently all working worldwide to share the good news of the Gospel. If you feel the Lord calling you to full-time ministry through missions, we would love to help you do that.
To be considered to be sent long-term you must:
Interested in beginning the process? Contact our Missions Office
For the last 15 years, God has given Central Bible Church the privilege of making Him known to our neighbors in the nations.
Global Partners are members of Central Bible Church who have been called and sent out into the world as vocational missional leaders. CBC supports these Global Partners through regular financial support, relational encouragement, and missional engagement.
Pat & Beth Andrews, Seed Company, Global
Steve & Tamara D., Global
Dave & Christy Johnson, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Global
Nate & Ginna Killoren, Global
Gary & Elizabeth McKnight, SIM, Global
Kent & Kim Rasmussen, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Africa
Carlos & April Trujillo, Global Outreach , Europe
NOTE: For security purposes, some workers are not identified by name or location.
Central Bible Church has a long history of sending out some of its members as vocational gospel workers around the world. Though we do not maintain financial partnerships with all these commissioned missionaries for the entirety of their ministries, we do continue to endorse the significant gospel work of the following who have remained in relationship with our church.
Scott and Jennifer Mathews
Brandi Welterlen
Dave and Alison Wilson
Arab World Media, a ministry of Pioneers, has a vision to see mature, multiplying churches among all Muslim peoples of the Arab world. CBC partners with them in the effort to engage unreached peoples of the Arab world through media to facilitate church planting as the Holy Spirit enables.
CBC partners with Asian Christian Academy (ACA) in its mission to provide theological training and Christian education in the Indian context. ACA also provides ministry and social services to the villages surrounding its campus, offering a home for destitute children, an accredited Christian school for students in grades K–10, and a low or no-cost clinic for area residents.
CBC is partnering with the Via (formerly Center for Mission Mobilization) in east Asia to equip pastors and mobilize believers and churches to bring the gospel to unreached people groups throughout Asia.
CBC is partnering with a new church plant in Cochin, India that is seeking to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to this city of 2 million on India’s southwestern coast.
Central Bible Church partners with MSOC in Burundi to bring pastoral training and leadership development to churches in that African nation. Our partnership involves the support of MSOC staff and the sending of pastoral training teams. MSOC’s mission is “equipping world changers to be holistically transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ to confront challenges of the modern changing world in all aspects of life.”
CBC partners with Seed Company to fully support accelerated Bible translation projects for three language groups in Ethiopia as well as a language group in Asia.
NextStepDisciple.org is our resource website providing biblical and life application material through articles, videos, Bible studies, and books. Check out a few of our featured articles below.
Jesus has commissioned all believers to go and make disciples of all nations. One of the best ways we can help long-term missionaries and other partners in the field is by sending short-term mission teams.
Our children need to see us exercise faith in God. Regardless of what He calls us to do or where He calls us to serve—even if it's a little scary, we can include our children and we can rest assured that He is our secure Fortress.
Short-term missions is a way to personally engage in the Great Commission and be a part of your church’s mission strategy. Funding one’s mission is often the greatest obstacle. Support-raising is a biblical and practical means of inviting others to join you in this special calling.