Welcome to a community of people doing life together. In community, we seek greater life-connection and greater life-transformation for greater life-mission. Join us on the journey to "make God known by making disciples who are changed by God to change their world." Come as you are, become the person you were designed to be, go make an impact in your world. Welcome home!
9:30 am
Community Group
10:45 am
Bible Study for Adults, Students and Children's Programming
Celebrating Christ In God’s Hymnbook
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Have you ever wondered how God may be desiring to use your life for his kingdom purposes in the world? Following these steps can help you discover God’s vision for your life.
This one-minute video considers the Prosperity Gospel. Does God reward our faith with health and wealth?
Once you're a follower of Christ, there is so much to learn and discover. Some you can only learn by experience, but it helps to know what you can at the outset, to point you in the right direction. Here are some important things for a believer to know, along with links for diving into various topics further.