Does every day seem like a struggle?
Do you long to experience peace and contentment?
Are you tired of feeling anxious and depressed day in and day out?
Do you feel lost and alone?
Does every day seem like a struggle?
Do you long to experience peace and contentment?
Are you tired of feeling anxious and depressed day in and day out?
Do you feel lost and alone?
If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above or have similar struggles, we would love to walk alongside you during this challenging season you are facing. Our counselors aim to provide you with encouragement and hope through the words of the Bible, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the person of Jesus Christ.
Our biblical counseling team consists of lay counselors who are certified biblical counselors from the Association of Biblical Counseling.
To request biblical counseling click on the button below and fill out a biblical counseling assessment form. Someone from our team will review your forms and reach out to you as soon as possible. Our biblcial counseling team provides 4-6 free sessions.
To request to talk to a Pastor click the button below and someone from our pastoral team will reach out to you as soon as possible.
Para solicitar hablar con un pastor, haga clic en el botón a continuación y alguien de nuestro equipo pastoral de habla hispana se comunicará con usted lo antes posible.
• Our counseling is done primarily by volunteer certified lay counselors who are supervised under Central Counseling leadership.
• Neither the pastoral nor the lay caregivers or leaders of this church are licensed as psychotherapists or mental health professionals, nor should they be expected to follow the
methods of such specialists. Therefore, if you have significant legal, financial, medical or other technical questions, you should seek advice from an independent professional. Our lay
counselors will be happy to cooperate with such advisors and help you to consider their counsel in the light of relevant scriptural principles.
• To provide the best possible care, counselors attend supervision meetings in which they receive continuing education from Central Counseling Staff and have an opportunity to consult with others (CBC staff & lay counselors) should there be any uncertainty about the best counsel to give counselees.
Biblical Counseling is designed to walk alongside individuals or couples who desire to draw closer to Jesus, in the midst of their suffering, for a season of one-one-one care and discipleship based on the truth of the Bible.
Our biblcial counseling team will provide 4-6 free sessions.
• Biblical counseling is offered primarily during regular church office hours (9:00 AM – 4:00 PM).
•We are not set up for crisis counseling; if it is an emergency, please call 911.
• To get the process started you will need to complete the form “Counseling Request” on the Central Counseling webpage.
• Consistent attendance and timely notification of cancellations. If a counselee is unable to keep an appointment, he or she must contact his or her respective counselor to cancel in a timely manner. Notification of cancellation is expected at least 24 hours in advance. Consistent failure to do so or two consecutive cancellations without good cause will result in termination of counseling. Not showing up constitutes canceling. We understand emergencies happen, so please keep us informed.
• Complete all homework assignments. The counselee commits to complete all assignments before each meeting. Continued lack of completion of homework will lead to termination of counseling.
• Confidentiality is of the utmost importance in the care process, and we will carefully guard the information you entrust to us. We believe that it is important that the counselee know that their private communications with the lay counselor are kept private.
• The concept of TOTAL confidentiality is not biblical; however, information regarding a counselee will be handled with a high level of discretion. Carefully discerning how to share information is an important aspect of the Central Counseling process, and we will carefully guard any information entrusted to us.
Situations Where Discretion Will Be Exhibited
There are situations when it may be necessary for us to share certain information with others as deemed necessary and appropriate.
For example:
• When there is a clear indication to harm him/herself or someone else.
• When there is evidence or reasonable suspicion of abuse against a child or adult and where legal responsibilities require reporting.
• When a lay counselor is uncertain of how to address a particular problem and needs to seek advice and wisdom from pastoral staff or other qualified and knowledgeable leadership for the sole purpose of gaining information for your care or to help in follow-up and after-care. Your name will be kept confidential in these situations.
• When a person continually refuses to renounce a particular sin and it becomes necessary to seek the assistance of others in the church to encourage repentance and reconciliation (see Proverbs 15:22; 24:11, Matthew 18:15-20).
• In all these situations, we make every effort to be sensitive to your situation and carefully guard your information. Please know that our leaders strongly prefer not to disclose any personal information to others. We strive to help you resolve the difficult situations you are experiencing as discreetly as possible.
Because we are continually training others to be effective caregivers, we ask that you agree to allow your counseling sessions to be recorded and viewed by the counseling team when requested as well as permit counselors in training or their supervisors to be present during your sessions when necessary for security and training.
There is a strict confidentiality policy that the content of recorded sessions is not exposed outside of the ministry, except where noted in this consent.
• If you do not have a church home and would like to learn more about getting plugged into Central Bible Church we would be happy to assist you with that! Click Here
• This is a supplemental resource not intended to replace the church you are plugged into or the pastor that God has put over your life to shepherd and care for your soul. However, we are happy to partner with your church in your discipleship journey.
• If you have a church home, we would like to get them involved in your care to walk alongside you outside your counseling sessions and after your counseling with Central has ended.
• At times, due to limited resources, we limit counseling appointments to those who are part of the Central Bible Church congregation and those who do not have a church home. We are happy to give referrals.
Our Lay Counselors are all certified by the Association of Biblical Counseling. If you are certified, and would like to apply to serve as a part of our volunteer team, please fill out the application.
Specializing in women dealing with grief, anxiety, discontentment, parenting and marital challenges
Jenny serves on staff as Central Counseling Director and Women's Minister. She earned her master's degree in Social Work at the University of Texas at Arlington and her biblical counseling certification through the Association of Biblical Counselors. She has 14 years of experience in developing and teaching parenting curriculum for children and adolescents of all ages as well as providing individual, marriage and family counseling. She is passionate about helping women apply the Bible to their lives in order to experience the full and abundant life of Christ.
Specializing in individual and pre-marital counseling while pointing people towards contentment in Christ.
Brett serves on staff as a Central Community Pastor and Men’s Pastor. He earned his bachelor's degree in Finance at Texas A&M – Central Texas and his biblical counseling certification through the Association of Biblical Counselors. He has 10+ years of experience in providing individual and pre-marriage counseling, seeking to point people towards contentment in Christ.
Specializing in female youth and young adult women navigating life challenges
Sarah is pursuing her undergraduate degree in psychology at the University of Texas at Arlington with hopes to complete a graduate degree in biblical counseling. She earned her biblical counseling certificate through the Association of Biblical Counselors.
Specializing in children, youth, and women with addiction, depression, domestic abuse, relationship, family, and marital challenges
Ami has provided counsel in a lay capacity for several years. She is currently pursuing a bachelor’s in Social Work from the University of Texas at Arlington and has completed her biblical counseling certification through the Association of Biblical Counselors. Ami has served in different capacities at Central Bible Church for over 10 years. She enjoys sharing God’s Word through Women’s Bible Study and encouraging children to grow in Christ.
Specializing in High School girls and young married women navigating through life's challenges
Kimmie Jo has over 30 years of experience leading women to the healing power of God's love through His beautiful Word as a high school girls' small group leader, a women's Bible study teacher and a mentor for young women. Kimmie Jo enjoys leading young women to the healing power of God's love and His beautiful Word. She earned her biblical counseling certificate through the Association of Biblical Counselors.
Specializing in children, youth and parenting, as well as family and marriage relationships
Stephanie is married to James, and they have five children: Elijah, Levi, Bo, Ella and Simon. Stephanie has attended Central Bible Church for more than 25 years, has been on staff since 2014, and currently serves as Children’s Minister.
Stephanie earned her biblical counseling certification through the Association of Biblical Counselors.
Specializing in discipling women of all ages to apply God’s Word to their daily lives and difficult circumstances in order to experience healing and depth in their relationship with Jesus.
Irene has mentored women for over 30 years. She has led Spanish & English women’s Bible studies at Central Bible Church. She has been a Bible Study Fellowship group leader for 8 years. Irene earned her biblical counseling certification through the Association of Biblical Counselors. Certified Christian Trauma Care Level 1 Provider.
Specializing in women needing encouragement and discernment in their lives, especially under difficult circumstances
Nora earned her biblical counseling certification through the Association of Biblical Counselors. She has experience serving in the Women’s Ministry, and Hospitality team, and leading women's bible studies. Nora wants to bring the comfort and contentment of God's Word to others by encouraging their faith in God and encouraging others to discover the strength and faithfulness God’s Word provides while experiencing life’s challenges.
Specializing in marital, foster and adoption counseling and counseling men.
Dale received his biblical counseling certification from the Association of Biblical Counselors. He serves as a biblical counselor with Stacey, his wife of 43+ years, to provide marital counseling and encouragement. He and his wife have served in various ministries for over 40 years. They have experienced the joys and difficulties of adoption and have also served as foster parents. He is a retired Air Traffic Control Manager and has personally counseled controllers dealing with traumatic incidents.
Specializing in marriage, foster and adoption counseling, and mentoring teenagers and women.
Stacey works as a Licensed Paramedic and has been married to her husband Dale for 43+ years. Stacey has provided lay counseling and encouragement to other women, children, and couples for years through the ministry of Bible Study Fellowship, and CASA. She and her husband have served in various ministries for over 40 years. They have experienced the joys and difficulties of adoption and have also served as foster parents. She earned her biblical counseling certificate through the Association of Biblical Counselors.
Specializing in teen and women dealing with past/present trauma, anxiety/depression, identity in Christ and navigating individual life/family challenges
Melissa has been a member of Central Bible Church since September 2000. She earned her biblical counseling certification through the Association of Biblical Counselors and Certified Christian Trauma Care Provider. She has served with CBC Children's and Student Ministries. Lead women's small groups and bible studies. She serves as a Leader in the Celebrate Recovery ministry. Melissa wants to bring the comfort of God to others, fostering their faith in God's goodness, giving them a fresh perspective and courage to overcome whatever life circumstances come their way.
Specializing in women navigating life challenges
Traci has been married to her husband Dale since 1984. She is a mother to 3 adult married children and grandmother to 8 blessings. Traci is a registered nurse and works for Metroplex Women's Clinic. She earned her biblical counseling certification through the Association of Biblical Counselors.
Specializing in maritial counseling and men dealing with PTSD
Craig received his biblical counseling certification from the Association of Biblical Counselors. He has been a first responder since 2004, he has dealt personally with traumatic He also serves as a biblical counselor with his wife Brittany to provide marital counseling.
Specializing in women dealing with marital distress, discontentment, post-partum depression, parenting and anxiety
Brittany serves as a worship leader at Central Bible Church. She served in women's ministry leading Bible studies and helping with special events. She earned her biblical counseling certification through the Association of Biblical Counselors. Brittany finds walking with women through their struggles a calling of obedience as the Lord has allowed her to find victory in many life-changing struggles.
Specializing in women and teenage girls needing encouragement and discernment in their lives
Jennifer has served as a teacher and facilitator of biblical truth in many roles throughout her life. Whether with family, friends, church community or working as a veterinarian, she tries to guide others in hearing God speak through the Bible into their personal circumstances. She obtained her biblical counseling certification through the Association of Biblical Counselors in obedience to God to bless others.
Specializing in men struggling with relationships, finding purpose and meaning and discovering God's calling for their lives
David is a retired surgeon who has extensive Bible knowledge and years of teaching experience. He has a passion for helping men discover their identity, purpose, and value in Jesus alone. David earned his biblical counseling certification through the Association of Biblical Counseling.
Specializing in women navigating life challenges
Erin and her husband, Robert, are faithful members of Central Bible Church. While working in law enforcement, Erin developed a growing passion to counsel women biblically to assist them in better understanding God's deep and abiding love for them in Christ. She is active in women's ministry and served on Central's security team and volunteers with Central Storehouse. She earned her biblical counseling certification through the Association of Biblical Counselors.
Specializing in parenting, marriage, life trauma, foster and adoption.
Kim serves on staff as the MiniMix coordinator in Children’s Ministry. Kim has provided lay counseling and encouragement to other women and couples for years. Her and her husband have served in various ministries for over 25 years. They have gone through the ups and downs of adoption and have also been blessed to be foster parents.
She earned her biblical counseling certificate through the Association of Biblical Counselors.
Specializing in counseling women, families, and students through life, family, and school challenges.
Angel has a heart for neurodivergent people and is experienced in counseling them through a biblical lese. She has been a member of Central Bible Church since 1997. She has served in children’s ministry, ladies Bible study and currently teaches in the college group and community group. She has been married to her husband Jason since 2004 and they have two teenagers. For the last four years she has taught elementary, middle school, high school students, as well as coaching basketball and volleyball at Flint Academy. She earned her biblical counseling certification through the Associates of Biblical Counseling.
Specializing in walking alongside youth and young adults as they face life challenges.
Zachariah has attended Central Bible Church for his entire life. He earned his Biblical counseling certification through the Association of Biblical Counselors and is looking forward to seeing God help people discern His presence in their lives through Scripture. He serves in various areas at the church: as a leader and mentor for the student ministry, in the worship band, and in the nursery.
I’m so thankful for Central Counseling. During my pit of despair, I looked to books, friends, paid counseling. I was so broken and didn’t have tools and wording for my hurts. My counselor taught me how to see God as good again! God used Central Counseling to bring me healing and provide me with necessary tools.
My issue was seeing my mistakes as failures and then condemning myself. This was the tape playing in my head way too often. My counselor immediately took me to scripture to see how even the most well known people in the Bible had great flaws and mistakes, but how God restored each person and led them to be the pillars of scripture we love and imitate today. I highly recommend this amazing group of counselors!
In my six sessions, I learned that I had viewed my career as Director of Nursing as an all-consuming idol that I worshipped. As I met with my counselor, I thought I needed time management skills, but my counselor challenged me with scripture and in prayer. This enabled me to better understand my identity in Christ which changed my priorities and defined God’s true call for my life. Thank you to Central Bible Church for providing a ministry to me that I didn’t think I needed until God allowed my life to get difficult.
Before we started counseling, through Central, we were on the brink of divorce. Due to years of not communicating effectively, not loving one another correctly, and not being afraid to hurt each other. After a big incident, we decided it was either counseling or divorce. After just 5 sessions we have made leaps and bounds in our relationship with the Lord and with each other. Our counselors have been a lighthouse directing us to Gods word and His promises for our marriage. We wouldn’t be where we are now without Central Counseling.
I was seeking help over inner struggles that I could not overcome on my own. Although I do not attend CBC as my local home church, I felt welcomed from the introductory email from the counselor whom I was paired with. Throughout the course of our six sessions together, I tangibly experienced God's grace as we walked through Scripture passages, talked through past experiences, engaged in homework activities, and even attended a youth worship night together.
Central counseling has been the conduit of God’s wisdom and faithfulness in our lives in the midst of confusion and varied options. We sought counsel on parenting and adoption. Our counselor took the time to fully understand our personal story before giving advice. This ministry has been a direct blessing to our family, and we are very thankful for it.
Celebrate Recovery (CR) offers weekly support, encouragement and hope to those seeking freedom from their hurts, hang-ups and habits.
Re|Engage is a marriage enrichment program. Marriages in any condition can benefit, whether you are struggling to get along, your marriage is broken, or you simply want to grow closer together as a couple. Re|Engage examines God’s design for marriage and applies principles from the Bible to guide couples towards growth in their relationship with each other.